Practical tools for supporting COACHING CLIENTS through a health or medical challenge
A FREE mini-course that teaches how to
support clients through a medical or HEALTH ISSUE

If you are looking for practical ways to support current clients,
colleagues or even friends that suddenly have to cope with a health and/or medical issue
This mini-course is for you.

Send me the videos

Hi I’M
Shiri Ben-Arzi,

I am a Master Medical Coach and the founder of MCI – the Medical Coaching Institute.
In 1999 I was diagnosed with a life threatening illness and told I had 2 years to live. this turned my life upside down
I didn’t know how this would turn out but I knew that I needed to update my current life skills and master some new ones if I ever wanted to shift from surviving into thriving.
My personal and professional path have lead me to develop the Medical Coaching model, create MCI – the Medical Coaching Institute and I can honestly say that this is both my passion and my calling.
During the years I have been approached by coaches needing help, support and tools to support their clients cope with additional health and medical challenges.
For this reason, I have prepared this mini course and I want to give it to you. The mini course includes four videos packed with information, tips and tools.
All you have to do is click on the link, sign up and get all this goodness.